Sunday, September 13, 2009

Obligatory About Me

Hi, everyone. I'm the Nonprofit Breadwinner, or NPB for short.

I live in Pittsburgh, and my spouse is a Full-Time Student, or FTS for short. We're in our mid-twenties. I don't make a lot of money, since I work at a small nonprofit organization. In fact, they just cut my pay. I make under $30,000 a year. FTS is in a demanding graduate program and, prior to August, worked full-time (not at a nonprofit). However, FTS will still be able to work about ten hours a week for that company, providing much-needed income.

We have two cats, a mortgage, student loan debt (mine), and the will to make this work.

We've lived pretty frugally for the past few years, both because it suits us and because we don't want to spend our money on crap. We garden, can and pickle the produce we grow, rarely eat out, and don't buy things on credit. Still, we've had to make some adjustments to our budget, and hopefully this blog will help keep me honest about what in our plan is working, what isn't, and everything in between.

I hope you enjoy our chronicles.

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